Tag Archive for spring tournament

Toad’s a Bitch (feat. asher1611)

caleb is battling in the first bracket round of final fantasy randomizer’s spring tournament against asher1611, our lovely guest this week. #BummerSummer also the first denzel washington movie! we learn a lot about asher and a bit more about final fantasy randomizer.

go watch asher on twitch.tv/asher1611

rafe’s high-low
high: raising cane’s
low: boy drama

caleb’s high-low
high: d&d
low: weight blah

asher’s high-low
high: kids better at a game
low: job sad

– with mudvayne doing a reunion tour have we all gone 20 years back to the past
– at what level does asher evolve into ashest?
– with everything returning to “normal” what is the first concert / convention / large group activity do you want to do
– is it possible to use all your energy for the next day the previous night
– why on earth has everyone been so fuzzy-headed in my life lately? am I bringing ill-fortune to those I’m closest to?
– which year is worse 2020 or 2021 and why
– blue algae as a health drink ingredient. fucking WHY.
– do you keep wrapping paper from your christmas presents, and if you do what exactly do you do with it?
– at what age does the body seem to go from down hill to just dropping off the platue
– what’s the right temperature to cook a steak to, and why is it med-rare
– why is it physically draining to be in the rain for hours despite loving the downpour?
– what would I have to do to get fizz to adopt me as a nephew? how many farms do I have to run, conveyor belts attached to mountains and episodes of gundam watched before it happens?
– if all politicians do is blow hot air… why aren’t they blaming each other for global warming?
– what would it take for caleb to wear fishnets and why won’t he release the pics?
– should I invest in LFB stock?
– how many fights is too many in a hockey game?
– is 7 within the first 5 minutes on pace to meet/exceed your expectations


22. alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. share a total of five items.
asher: wife gushy love
caleb: scientist gushy love
rafe: the perfect man

MOVIE – wilma (1977) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076923/)
asher 6/10
caleb 6.5/10
rafe 6.25/10
sheryl crow – run baby run (tuesday night music club)

NEXT MOVIE – carbon copy (1981) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082138)

Repeat Offender (feat. DarkmoonEX)

it’s DARK AGAIN. the darkmoonex, to be precise. rosencrantz & guildenstern are dead? more info on the next actor after brendan fraser! opinions about the show angel, bio dome, and some head canons. the other podcast, run by dark, all about evolution. the original was better! reboot! rafe’s weird sexually-charged cartoon men! coronavirus/covid-19 updates! asteroid G! FFR time-filler! toiletgate2020 with caleb continues. dena and alex go full #RaHaCa, thanks guys!
rafe’s high-low
high: beaucoup
low: telecommunications class
caleb’s high-low
high: FFR food talk
low: springtime ants
dark’s high-low
high: FFR and stuff!
low: yard work
– no more bernie
– better delivery leftovers: pizza or chinese
– just spent the day reinstalling windows so: why does windows suck so bad?
– how do you feel about 4 more years of trump?
– what are the odds the boomerdoomer finally lets us reset politics?
– screencapgate
– have you tried bww delivery?
– when life gives you 20 lbs of cheese, what do you make
– why the fuck do we as humans let scum with silver tongues get a pass?
– what would it take for you to move to canada?
– haiku! <3 twitchnchilled
– why does fizzle’s job suck so much?
– wear pants or do you forgo the pants help a brother out
# 19. ff you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? why?
caleb: look at the relationships. more time with loved ones. crocks n socks.
dark: 20lbs OF CHEESE. life insurance policy! go full glutton!
rafe: become archer.
MOVIE – escape from planet earth (2013) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0765446)
caleb 4.5/10
rafe 5.5/10
dark 4/10
SONGS – escape fight!
reliant k – be my escape
NEXT MOVIE – a case of you (2013) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1817081)
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