Tag Archive for spring tournament

Rafe Loves Dani

rafe and dani have way too much fun talking about final fantasy randomizer tournaments, ffr hype!!! also bummer summer talk, dani’s life, and lots of laughs. love love love!

rafe’s high-low
high: jam
low: meat

dani’s high-low
high: podcast! ffr co-op tournie
low: dissmissive doctor

– jon bois is the best sports documentary person on youtube and everyone should learn about the weird ass history of the seattle mariners and the “oh god why” history of the atlanta falcons
– I agree with fizzle. also, his “pretty good” and “fumble dimension” series.
– what is your best one-liner as you’re standing over someone hanging off a ledge by their fingertips, them looking up at you in desperation and seeing the anger in your eyes moments before you stomp on their fingers?
– if someone tells you they will be ready to go in 10 minutes, how much grace time should you allow before bitching at them?
– what’s your favorite illicit drug
– on a scale of 1-10 how moral is it to teach someone else’s kid curse words? (10 being the most moral)

MOVIE – philadelphia (1993) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107818/)
rafe 5/10
SONGS – philadelphia songs
cosima – philly
fresh prince of bel air

NEXT MOVIE – crimson tide (1995) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112740)
NEXT SONGS – red songs

Cucumbers and Hops (feat. picklesandbeer)

one of these days, the guests will be gone. and you’ll miss them. BUT FOR NOW – enjoy the time with picklesandbeer. rafe brings the #BummerSummer energy and everyone else is bummed about it. watch caleb and picklesandbeer on twitch for the FFR spring tournament third place trophy!

rafe’s high-low
high: me time
low: vinegar bath

caleb’s high-low
high: um, actually
low: cicada encounter

pickles’ high-low
high: FFR semi-finals
low: FFR loss

– why do I love cucumbers but hate pickles? sort of related, why is my nickname for my wife “pickle”
– what is something about your hometown you were well into your adulthood before it clicked was not a universal experience?
– why couldn’t I figure out a better way to phrase that question?
– what is your favorite type of beer? (personally I like anything that isn’t a porter or stout)
– what is the best way to eat a burger when it is just a little too tall for your mouth?
– what’s one thing you want to be worldwide famous for?
– when is the next super robot wars game and will it have macross and can we finally evolve away from the z engine
– what is the best brand and type of beer and pickles to enjoy together
– is the most satisfying thing in the world a bitchy customer being told you were right by your manager?
– when you go to lion’s choice and order 2 roast beef sandwiches, side of mac/cheese, and a large drink, but end up with 1 roast beef sandwich, mac and cheese, and fries, then go back to correct the order but then are just given 2 additional roast beef sandwiches, another mac and cheese, and large drink, do you eat all 3 roast beef sandwiches, drink both drinks, eat the fries, and both mac and cheeses?
– if you are a salesperson looking to sell your product to an office, how many corners should you cut when ordering lunch? how about a big ol pile of sammich fixings with no bread? that’ll work out right?
– I don’t wanna. Do I HAVE to?
– can I give all this rain a rain check? I’m sure I’ll want it in august, but having a year’s supply in may and june is a little much.


13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
pickles: workout!
caleb: JFK assassination
rafe: weight loss goal

MOVIE – hard lessons: the george mckenna story (1986) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091106)
pickles 7/10
caleb 6.25/10
rafe 5.25/10
SONGS – rafe is hard caleb is lesson
queen – it’s a hard life

NEXT MOVIE – cry freedom (1987) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092804)
NEXT SONGS – rafe is crying and caleb is freedom

Bassists Do It Best (feat. GregglyPuff)

well, well, well. caleb keeps winning races and coming up against more opponents, so once again there’s a fantastic guest on the show – gregglypuff! a man of many talents, including FFR speedracing, bass guitar, and tiktoks. rafe takes some time to talk about home depot, striking out with boys, and cisco voice recordings. caleb had a bird adventure, played a family edition cards against humanity, and discusses memorial day and and tony’s chocolonely. go watch gregglypuff with twinstrumental on youtube and on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/greggly_puff

rafe’s high-low
high: pants
low: don’t feel good

caleb’s high-low
high: a nice day out
low: lost to fizzle

greg’s high-low
high: bass pedal get
low: pandemic body wrecker

– what’s worse: anticipation of something great, or missing it once it’s over?
– is there such a thing as too many fresh garden tomatoes?
– and a gregglypuff special – best band to listen to for bass?
– what is the best game to play with a deck of standard playing cards?
– compliment until you hear screaming.
– what was your first job when you were 13 and why wasn’t it “covert sniper reporting to the CIA general in ’50s vietnam”?
– is there anything more bromantic than doing one last meth with your best bro for old times sake?
– greggy when are you going to make music your full time job? you and @LCB are quite amazing.
– when am I going to be on the show again :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


13. if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
greg: how to be the most successful version of yourself
caleb: is this going to work out?
rafe: memestock

MOVIE – power (1986) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091786)
greg no watch
caleb 5/10
rafe 5/10
the offspring – killboy powerhead

NEXT MOVIE – hard lessons: the george mckenna story (1986) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091106)
NEXT SONGS – rafe is hard caleb is lesson

LyricalFoodBash (feat. LordFizzlebeef)

finally, finally, lordfizzlebeef gets his own episode. with one race down and possible two to go in the final 8 FFR spring tournament bracket, things are heating up! fizzle does poetry, everyone sinks into bummer summer, and there’s more FFR racing talk.

rafe’s high-low
high: wote and tentacles
low: masks

caleb’s high-low
high: winery
low: going to work

fizzle’s high-low
high: online dating
low: RNG bullshit and family moving

– which robutt NPC is the best and why?
– if you could design a giant robot based on the stereotypical american, what would it be?
I think it’d be big hero 6 robot, but it wouldn’t provide healthcare (that’s unamerican). it would dispense fried food and dipping sauces instead
– so really the hothottopic is; what dipping sauces are best of you don’t want to ruin your robot?
– should bobutts use lasers, missles, or melee weapons to destroy a bad boss and former place of employment?
– what is the correct way to write “hot, hot topic?” and should I actually follow it?
– is mackerel deadly and why?
– do it live
– BONUS HOT TOPIC: fuck whatever fizzle just said, who’s up for being positive
– bonus hot topic: each list 3 good things about fizzle
– my brother just was deployed to japan what trinkets or souvenirs should I ask for, and why
– is it appropriate to eat your coworker food from the company fridge if you have been locked in after hours?
– what is the most “work function” appropriate way to go down a slip and slide. also, what’s the best way to go down a slip and slide at a work function.
– who’s the best person ever and why is it fizzle?
– what’s a girl gotta do to have a skype dance party?
– how much blood is too much blood for the doctor to want to take in one go?


23. how close and warm is your family? do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
fizzle: close, yes
caleb: close, warm
rafe: happier

MOVIE – a soldier’s story (1984) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088146)
fizzle 7/10
caleb 7/10
rafe 5.75/10
SONGS – caleb is soldier and rafe is story
brandi carlile – the story

NEXT MOVIE – power (1986) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091786)

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