Many Highs and One Big Low

queen music is great. full stop. rafe takes the entire podcast episode to gush about happy stuff like only murders in the building season 2, streaming monkey island on twitch, hocus pocus 2, reading with discord, trash panda podcast #100, and dude RPG. caleb has incarnate tips and tricks for world building, and good times with old friends. he’s also going to see thor four (no spoilers) and he’ll let us know how it goes next week. also getting new updates on verizon internet and shiny pokemon!!

rafe and caleb are both really upset/pissed off about roe v wade being overturned. the SCOTUS have fucked up big time and we’re looking to make changes through congress and the house of representatives. vote, people! vote people into office that will protect women!

rafe’s high-low
high: finished love after world domination
low: roe v wade overturned

caleb’s high-low
high: kegasaurus rex
low: dc bbq fest freebies were mid

– how many times should management be allowed to completely fuck up training new hires to the point the get stressed out and quit before I should be legally allowed to launch my postmaster into the sun
– qdoba > chipotle > taco bell > baja fresh
– if I can practically do something in my sleep, is it wrong to take a nap when I do it?
– why can’t I use ctrl-z to unsend this email?
– is reply all ever the appropriate choice?
– what is your favorite childhood commercial?
– there’s nothing like seeing the rusty gears turn in someone’s brain the moment they realize just how pyrrhic their victory is
– what’s your favorite way to fight unjust speeding tickets like “75+ in a 60” and why is it “ghosting the court and deciding not to pay”?
– why is my house just a magnet for people to stay at without paying rent or assisting with anything in the house.
– why when deciding to add in this new squatter was it ever suggested to kick the 1 person making the most money out of the room in which they make said money?
– how does someone get into politics without having a very basic understanding of the constitution?
– why is all of the stress tacked on to either the end or the beginning of the work week?
– do you think if we started calling our body parts things like “shooterus” the GOP would stop trying to regulate them?
– new coheed and cambria album. thoughts, rafe?
– am I a bad parent when I take a little pleasure in seeing my son slip and fall on his ass at ice skating practice?

MOVIE – almost heroes (
caleb 5.5/10
rafe 5.85/10
SONGS – rafe is heroes and caleb is almost
all you kate bush obsessed tiktokkers need another mid-80’s song.
bonnie tyler – holding out for a hero

NEXT MOVIE – dirty work (1998) (
NEXT SONGS – rafe is dirty caleb is work

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