Tag Archive for 75hard

Hashtag Chunky Bomb

caleb and rafe met at a cougar bar in glen burnie. let’s get angy about auxillary ports and bluetooth. caleb has a fun weekend and also a not-fun work day. he asks the important questions, like slimy, chewy, or chunky? PLEASE HELP US GET #CHUNKYBOMB TRENDING! rafe reads off some foreign language sayings that are cooler than english. and she’s super concerned about dna modification being pushed as non-GMO? https://www.technologyreview.com/2017/12/19/146805/these-are-not-your-fathers-gmos/

rafe’s high-low
high: yu yu hakusho
low: weight gain

caleb’s high-low
high: frederick festivities
low: going into work

– if we could trust everyone to be good people, we wouldn’t need security jobs. (police, cyber security, mall cops, &c)
– why does this one person at work keep posting dumb boomer memes in our department’s slack channel?
– who are people more likely to follow in the work place, subject matter experts or someone who has a way with words?
– I’ve been feeling like a run over sponge for a few weeks now, how do I stop being so exhausted all the time
– kesha or ke$ha?
– is it the heat, or the humidity?
– florida: no, or HELL no?
– humid or dry.
– len the plumber fucked with the wrong family when he tries to scam my mother for 8 thousand dollars. no question or comments needed, just a statement of fact
– last night I was once again reminded that, despite all the bullshit in my life, I have one thing so amazing that it makes me the luckiest girl in the world because I have it. what is one thing you have that makes you feel lucky?
– how fucking cool is this poster:
– we’ve already got highs and lows for the podcast. what is your medium for this week?
– do you believe in ghosts?
– what’s the best way to beg someone above you to please do their job so you can do yours? assume boss above them considers them blameless golden children and you the scapegoat for the work never getting done regardless of any reality presented.
– when trying to hang out with someone who has a busy personal life, what’s the best tactic you can think of to make them drop everything and focus on what’s really important ie “my total lack of any friends or personal life”? and why is it “loudly complaining about other people having personal lives and obligations”?
– what are your feelings on ultimate ownership? And holding yourself accountable for the actions of others?

NEXT MOVIE – tommy boy (1995) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114694)
caleb 8/10
rafe 8.75/10
NEXT SONGS – sales
reel big fish – sellout

NEXT MOVIE – black sheep (1996) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115697)
NEXT SONGS – rafe is black, caleb is sheep

You’re Paid to Shut Up

jim n nicks is best BBQ maybe. let us know if you’ve been. things got spicy in the RaHaCa discord today and they are all the better for it. caleb talks about his adventures in georgia, kate bush, and wait there’s a downside to losing weight? what? clothes and shoes can go fuck themselves!

happy pride month! shout out to leah voysey (https://www.twitch.tv/leah_theprincess) who will be donating all her bits to the trevor project this month on her twitch streams. and superQ made FREE pride emotes to use on twitch and discord! in addition to those lovelies supporting pride month, final fantasy randomizer will be doing a twitch marathon june 17-19 to support the liam project.

rafe’s high-low
high: memorial day weekend
low: rafe’s big fat mouth

caleb’s high-low
high: memorial day weekend
low: weightloss

– going to movies/dinner/concerts, etc solo – sad violin, or B.D.E.?
– is lunch overrated as a meal?
– what does “BDE” mean?
– how many times should you train the same person? Does the answer change if you need to retrain them due to working under a shithead that demanded they follow bad practices?
– my office just played “who’s on first” with two patients with the same name and not as a joke, 100% serious. send sanity.
– how long will it take fizzle to collect enough material for his dark comedy dr office tv show?
– which of tarnins ted talks is the best and why is it all of them?
– if genital size isn’t a thing, what do I do with these vacuum pumps?
– gluten allergy is worst food based allergy. but probably easiest to circumvent.
– how much would you pay to listen to a tarnin TED talk?

MOVIE – billy madison (1995) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112508)
caleb 8/10
rafe 8/10
SONGS – rafe is billy and caleb is school
MIKA – billy brown

NEXT MOVIE – tommy boy (1995) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114694)
NEXT SONGS – sales

I’m an Optimist

rafe is having masking issues. caleb has to see artery blood everywhere. caleb had to go full full corporate and missed out on his cereal. caleb is getting things done! BREAD IS COMING. caleb is going strong on #75hard. music albums are moving fast. there’s some d&d stuff, and more hyping up of midnight mass.

rafe’s high-low
high: thunderstorm
low: people in my goddamn fucking personal space

caleb’s high-low
high: getting it done!
low: being in the office

– difficult people are usually some of the most intelligent.
– how do you ingest your holy stories?
– can you grill a pie, if so… which pie would you grill
– industrial sized fans are called ‘big ass fans’. would you have been more creative with the name?
– dani is the best
– given that dani is the best per above and she doesn’t sleep, can we turn her into a perpetual motion machine?
– private health insurance is the worst and should be abolished.
– late-stage capitalism: broken as hell, or HOLY SHIT FUCK, WE’RE ALL SCREWED?
– would you rather be known as a funny person but never taken seriously, or be known as a serious person who is never seen as having a sense of humor?
– using letter grade A-E how well would you score adulting if you are spreading peanut butter on your sandwich with a spoon
– re dani is the best – fizzle is wrong, he is the best.
– pre-teens are the worst.
– how long do you do a job before just leaving and not telling anyone? note that this job requires supervision of minors.

MOVIE – wayne’s world 2 (1993) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108525)
caleb 5.5/10
rafe 5.5/10
SONGS – world
five iron frenzy – my evil plan to save the world

NEXT MOVIE – airheads (1994) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109068)
NEXT SONGS – rafe is air; caleb is head

Everything is Marvelous

caleb saw everything everywhere all at once and he insists rafe watches it. SPOILERS for ETERNALS 11:00-15:00 minutes. caleb finished “the baking bible” and the entire works of rush. rafe has issues with 75hard blah, her back, airfryer issues, neverending headset hunting, and amazon refusing to deliver to her door.

rafe’s high-low
high: breakfast and toast gifs
low: everything is breaking

caleb’s high-low
high: everything everywhere all at once
low: cutting himself

– if you could change just one single solitary thing about your life, with the knowledge you have now, what would it be?
– why does my body hate me so much?
– if the greenhouse is abandoned, and it’s raining but not thundering, and I’m the one wearing the victorian dress, is it still sexy time?
– I’m 2,525 miles away from where I need to be and I’m listening to music to try and make me less mad/sad about it. what’s your go to music when you’re trying to unfuck your mood?
– if you tell work that you are getting your bathrooms renovated and due to the noise cant work, but in reality you havent heard nor seen any contractors how long do you wait before you blow a gasket in your mind?
– what do you tell your job when they do finally come in and make enough noise to rouse the dead?
– why in the world would someone make a device that plugs into a usbc for power? why isnt it straight up USB? why do i have to now buy a charging block that accepts this weird connector after just spending 30 bucks on the charger
– when eating the rich, how best should you season the bastards?
– how much foreplay is expected before lovingly pressing your bumper into someone else’s bumper? (note, my car wasn’t involved, I just watched it happen in the parking garage today)
– if you have 4 hours to complete a task, how long can you sleep with 20 people waiting for you to finish?
– since we started the discussion on sunday ( you slackers missed it!) who is the best and worst 90s SNL alum in film? film career only
– someone’s entire online life could be a lie, and you might never find out. how does that make you feel?
– what does privacy mean to you? is it letting the government survey you in the guise of “national security” or is it the government telling a woman what they can and can’t do with their bodies?

MOVIE – wayne’s world (1992) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105793)
caleb 5/10
rafe 5/10
SONGS – world

NEXT MOVIE – coneheads (1993) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106598)

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