Tag Archive for food

Puberty Two


rafe is taking care of herself and caleb is mad about clothes. but there were some good times at g&m and the office in maryland. also a word of the week and a shakespeare quote!
hope everyone is taking care of themselves. drink your water, do your stretches, high-five people, &c.

rafe’s high-low
high: HOT DOGS
low: email chains

caleb’s high-low
high: ren faire
low: armpits & shoes

– it has been [4] days since we fired someone for taking nude selfies in the bathroom.
– what is your favorite trash movie? bad but you still love it anyway
– how early is too early to start a fight you proceed to lose badly?
– aaaahhhhh I’m moving this weekend AHHHHHHHH
– pumpkin things or apple things for autumn?
– would it be better to live in a fantasy world or a sci-fi world?
– do you have your realID or passport yet?
– is rafe posting these hot, hot topics as a way of low-key expressing her disappointment in us for not coming up with any?
– how do I email a permanent warm hug
– giving people what they want is much harder than giving them what they don’t want, and they get even more mad when you do
– who is the best disney villain?
– have you ever been truly satisfied? either with something you did, or something someone else did for you

MOVIE – heavy metal (1981) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082509)
caleb 3/10
rafe 3.5/10
SONGS – heavy metal songs
beartooth – in between

NEXT MOVIE – national lampoon’s vacation (1983) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085995)
NEXT SONGS – vacation

It Depends on the Mouth

open polls are NOW OPEN for the next podcast movie night ACTOR! cast your vote for round one, and come back for a final round in a couple of weeks. caleb spent time with his fambam for a baby birthday and learned how to keep a dog calm. water and cats do not mix. 75hard has taken a hard turn. rafe is interested in your weird life lessons and other things so please join #RaHaCa on discord! discord.gg/Fc6DUze

ACTOR POLL! you only have to vote for the people you care about if you don’t want to do all 16.

rafe’s high-low
high: mac n cheese
low: rising temperatures

caleb’s high-low
high: fambam birthday party
low: shitty cats and sick wife

– why do people always act surprised that it’s hot in summer months? do they not comprehend the flow of time or are they just complaininy pants?
– why are people surprised people complain about the weather in general?
– what’s your biggest complaint that few/no people would understand?
– what’s the frequency, caleb?
– the final 2 grand has been refunded from the plumber, should we send them a bill for the other plumber we had to have come out and scope the line showing that both ends of their repair was fucked up
– is it time to just play a bunch of games for fun or actually try to become good at one in particular?
– trolling someone who thinks they know everything is easier than having a conversation with them. but at what point do you attempt to have a friendly conversation with them?
– is it worth walking two miles with a 100° heat index for pizza?
– dr. slowass has recently decided he hates everyone. how proud should I be?

MOVIE – black sheep (1996) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115697)
caleb 4.5/10
rafe 6.5/10
SONGS – rafe is black, caleb is sheep
los bravos – black is black

NEXT MOVIE – beverly hills ninja (1997) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118708)
NEXT SONGS – rafe is ninja, caleb is beverly hills

Just Make it Through the Night

the senate tried to protect women’s abortion rights and it failed. y’all need to stay the hell away from rafe’s uterus. caleb and rafe are both filling the void with shopping, like butcherbox, amazon, and men’s clothes shopping. caleb got a new cook book! about bread! bread science by emily buehler. caleb is watching a new netflix show that reminds him of stephen king. rafe has way too many amazon returns. they talk about masks at concert venues, baseball games, and movie theaters. caleb had a great experience at the theater. so many rants. also rafe learns what boosting can mean. “there are no bugs; we’re all going to die.”

rafe’s high-low
high: headset
low: too hot and also abortion rights are too limited

caleb’s high-low
high: spending money & midnight mass
low: disney+ or internet? and d&d

– when is nap time?
– do I have to go to work?
– if you were building a new instrument, what color would you stain the wood?
– why is magic so magicy?
– do I need to cosplay as bubble boy if I want to go to live concerts again? and if so, tell me why I shouldn’t get into the mosh pit
– do you believe in conspiracies? chemtrails? aliens? werewolves and vampires that are pining away their whole lives for a generic teenager?
– why did my brother’s ex-gf send me a dick pic of some dude she was planning to screw that night?
– how can so many bad things happen to a person when that person is clearly just “being themselves” despite all the haters?
– why do all these people I date have thoughts and feelings of their own? why don’t they just do everything I want and only ever things for me?
– my boss asked me to interfere in an ongoing legal dispute with an ex employee that is also my friend. how terrible is that friend for not liking me butting in and cancelling travel plans with me? how dare they not appreciate all the valuable time I spent with them. clearly this entire chain of events is my bosses fault. (reminder: hot hot saga is all about a single person and they are unfortunately real)

MOVIE – coneheads (1993) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106598)
caleb 7.5/10
rafe 7/10
SONGS – head
aquabats – cat with 2 heads

NEXT MOVIE – wayne’s world 2 (1993) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108525)
NEXT SONGS – world

Everything is Marvelous

caleb saw everything everywhere all at once and he insists rafe watches it. SPOILERS for ETERNALS 11:00-15:00 minutes. caleb finished “the baking bible” and the entire works of rush. rafe has issues with 75hard blah, her back, airfryer issues, neverending headset hunting, and amazon refusing to deliver to her door.

rafe’s high-low
high: breakfast and toast gifs
low: everything is breaking

caleb’s high-low
high: everything everywhere all at once
low: cutting himself

– if you could change just one single solitary thing about your life, with the knowledge you have now, what would it be?
– why does my body hate me so much?
– if the greenhouse is abandoned, and it’s raining but not thundering, and I’m the one wearing the victorian dress, is it still sexy time?
– I’m 2,525 miles away from where I need to be and I’m listening to music to try and make me less mad/sad about it. what’s your go to music when you’re trying to unfuck your mood?
– if you tell work that you are getting your bathrooms renovated and due to the noise cant work, but in reality you havent heard nor seen any contractors how long do you wait before you blow a gasket in your mind?
– what do you tell your job when they do finally come in and make enough noise to rouse the dead?
– why in the world would someone make a device that plugs into a usbc for power? why isnt it straight up USB? why do i have to now buy a charging block that accepts this weird connector after just spending 30 bucks on the charger
– when eating the rich, how best should you season the bastards?
– how much foreplay is expected before lovingly pressing your bumper into someone else’s bumper? (note, my car wasn’t involved, I just watched it happen in the parking garage today)
– if you have 4 hours to complete a task, how long can you sleep with 20 people waiting for you to finish?
– since we started the discussion on sunday ( you slackers missed it!) who is the best and worst 90s SNL alum in film? film career only
– someone’s entire online life could be a lie, and you might never find out. how does that make you feel?
– what does privacy mean to you? is it letting the government survey you in the guise of “national security” or is it the government telling a woman what they can and can’t do with their bodies?

MOVIE – wayne’s world (1992) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105793)
caleb 5/10
rafe 5/10
SONGS – world

NEXT MOVIE – coneheads (1993) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106598)

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