Tag Archive for vacation

Ice Cream Should be a Utility

caleb is very passionate about net neutrality and what it means to have internet as a utilty. his ma is moved! and is there a vacation in the near future? hmmmmm. and bruh. there is SO much drama around the mcdonald’s ice cream machines it is BONKERS. https://getpocket.com/explore/item/they-hacked-mcdonald-s-ice-cream-machines-and-started-a-cold-war

rafe’s high-low
high: easter time
low: easter candy

caleb’s high-low
high: mom moved
low: crazy drive

– why is it called “doggystyle” when it just as easily could have been named after another animal?
– hotdog recipes?
– in your opinion what is the best looking dog in the akc?
– we should un-fuck the selectively bred dogs with more selective breeding. i.e. pugs that can actually fucking breathe properly
– who is the best wingman? and why is it a dog?
– I like dogs and most of them like me. sadly, I am allergic. but I want to pet all the dogs. sometimes it is worth the suffering.
– let’s assume hugh everett III’s theories on parallel worlds are correct. what did we domesticate instead of the humble dog in an alternate universe? are there now parks where you can let your pet bear run free? are we playing fetch with a silverback gorilla? is the old saying now “you can’t teach an old alligator new tricks”?
– small dogs aren’t dogs, they’re pests.
– ESA don’t exist. theres no reason your purse dog should be in a restaurant or grocery store
– what dog breed are you? (find an online quiz?)

MOVIE – wag the dog (1997) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120885)
caleb 5.75/10
rafe 5.75/10
SONG – dags
grandaddy – stray dog and the chocolate shake

NEXT MOVIE – colin fitz lives! (1997) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118873)
NEXT SONG – living

When One Door Opens

rafe is back and whiny as ever. alabama fucked up hardcore with their latest misstep on conception and fertilization. thank god mitch mcconnell is leaving soon so not EVERYTHING was horrible news. caleb has door issues?! but it’s not all bad news!

npr wrote a pretty good article explaining how IVF works: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/02/23/1233023637/ivf-alabama-frozen-embryo-personhood-abortion-supreme-court

seriously though fuck alabama, and can’t wait for mitch mcconnell to fade away.

rafe’s high-low
high: ruku hangout
low: stream withdrawal

caleb’s high-low
high: ballet
low: handyman mishap

– what is a song you wish you could hear again for the first time?
– which fictional character do you relate to most? and why?
– finding contractors to do work on your house is miserable. no matter how much research we do or how many reviews we read, its always a massive clusterfuck once the work starts
– when you buy a car, do you get the trucoat?
– what’s the best way to get weeks of manly musk out of the recording studio so rafe doesn’t choke on it?
– unconventional uses for a wood chipper
– the alleged hack of epic games. huge if true but epic hasn’t said anything either way yet

MOVIE – fargo (1996) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116282)
caleb 8.7/10
rafe 6/10
SONG – police
nofx – puke on cops

NEXT MOVIE – hit me (1996) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116538)
NEXT SONG – hitting

My Body is a Motel Six

up and up bandages fucking suck! caleb worries about his back, talks baseball, and a bit on d&d. rafe asks too many questions and has added even MORE words of the week!?!? also twitchcon injuries in the twitchcon 2022 foam pit, yikes.

hope everyone is taking care of themselves. drink your water, do your stretches, high-five people, &c.

rafe’s high-low
high: lashes walk
low: a mess

caleb’s high-low
high: double d&d
low: cyst/bandages

– why does amazon insist on sending you ‘resealable packaging’ bags but then always put the nearly indestructable shipping label over the perferated tear here point so that you can retain the bag for returns?
– how hot is too hot? 100°, 90°, 80°
– how late do you prefer your doctor: 1 hour, 1.5 hours, or 2.5 hours?
– when you run out of PTO why doesnt the work place offer UPTO. like i feel miserable, talking makes it worse and that is my job, why cant i take the time off and not be paid and not be reprimanded for being ill?
– why do beds have to be so comfy 24/7?
– why is everybody ignoring me and my dog pictures? do you think it has something to do with the office network being down and everybody scrambling to come up with ways to do their jobs without access to health records for the 24 patients waiting to see us this morning? or am I just being discriminated against?
– when is a time you’ve been backstabbed at work, or which one hurt the worst (e.g. one of the reasons I enjoy working alone (so I can backstab myself??))
– would you rather have a bunch of short dates with different people, or fewer longer dates with the same person?
– how much is too much to spend on anything disney… and is there a cap?
– why does everything discriminate against single people? food packages, cruise pricing, 2 for 1 deals, etc. holidays, commercials. where’s my half priced solo cabin in the woods with one steak and on dessert? whens my holiday?
– on a lighter, less ragey note… whats your favorite weird holiday? e.g. national red velvet waffle day, national chicken nacho week, etc.
– why does puberty twice sound like a band name?
– what is it about being bad that increases longevity? why is it that only the good die young?
– what’s the benefit to having children, besides free labor and beer retrieval?

MOVIE – national lampoon’s vacation (1983) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085995)
caleb 2/10
rafe 3/10
SONGS – vacation

NEXT MOVIE – going berserk (1983) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085603)
NEXT SONGS – berserk

Strawberry Master Race

rafe is obsessed with weird words and phrases and will be going through FUN THINGS every week!
Villain, I️ have done thy mother

Cattywampus: Is not lined up or not arranged correctly, or diagonally

caleb saw NOPE by peele. he gives his opinion with NO spoilers. he and rafe have a BIG DISAGREEMENT about surprises. and also what constitutes a vacation. big surprise.

rafe’s high-low
high: cozy grove stream
low: desk rearrangement vesa bullshit

caleb’s high-low
high: date weekend
low: shake shack chicago dog

– why does summer suck so much?
– ham is better than tureky 95% of the time. cajun dry rub turkey is the only exception
– GENCON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is all.
– PAX West 😛
– why is monday?
– a hair cut can make you feel refreshed.
– are you ever excited to go to work?
– why are the weekends always too short?
– is there anyone that actually doesn’t like receiving pleasant surprises?
– why does it always start raining when I need to go to the store?
– should conventions even be a thing right now?
– vacations. what was your last one? are they worth it? how do you afford them? how often? places you want to go?

MOVIE – the clown murders (1976) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072792)
caleb 5.2/10
rafe 3.75/10
SONGS – rafe is murder caleb is clown
marianas trench – the killing kind

NEXT MOVIE – find the lady (1976) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074532)
NEXT SONGS – fixation