Tag Archive for the magnificent seven

Best Booty Call (feat. Dani)

we are pleased as always to have dani on the podcast! we get to talk about how much distain she has for a certain hot-hot-topic saga, rafe is doing the lost ark thing, maybe being a witch will happen later, and they try to remember a time before cell phones. also please call this number to get adorable pep talks by children: 707-998-8410. “fuck that person.” also rafe gushes a big about swagmonstaflexx and you should go follow him and daddylarp on twitch!!!

rafe’s high-low
high: boy drama no longer drama
low: school

dani’s high-low
high: her person! jinjer charity!
low: tiktok bullying

– what’s the best way to communicate to management about your desire to take on more responsibilities and give administrative input and why is it “declare 3 days in advance that you’re going to call in sick on a category 5 catastrofuck day because you were asked to do something in advance”
– what’s the best way to convince someone that a stressful training experience is best for new hires and why is it “I was trained in that stressful environment and I handled it just fine, also don’t put me there now because I can’t handle it and other people need to handle it and don’t ask me to handle it.”
– best pie to cook in a smoker or grill
– are the people who design bathroom stalls all voyeurs, or are they just happy to see us?
– did donald trump give watersports kinksters a bad name?
– what’s the best tree in north america and why?
– would you eat a shrimp po boy from a fast food place? what if that place is krystal burger?
– what’s the best opening line to use when texting someone for a booty call?
– what’s the smallest amount of power that you have seen go to someone’s head
– how oppressive is it to not have 10 other people change over to your way of doing things despite loudly grumblewhining about it?
– why do responsibilities always seem to entail being responsible for things?
– daylight time or standard time, when we eventually decide to stop changing our clocks twice a year?
– should I feel bad cuz I suck at chess but I defeat my son every time?
– fuck the haters. waffle house is good.

MOVIE – the magnificent seven (2016) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2404435)
rafe 4.2/10
dani 4.75/10
SONGS – seven

NEXT MOVIE – fences (2016) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2671706)
NEXT SONGS – 1950’s