Tag Archive for valentines day

Caleb Hate Anime

massages, drinks, and dinner! greek place called melina. caleb finished castlevania, and the scientist picked attack on titan for the next! rafe has some big thoughts on going to the doctor and both of them have big thoughts on the government.

rafe’s high-low
high: valentine’s
low: allergies?

caleb’s high-low
high: valentine’s
low: government

– how do I stop digging this hole deeper? I keep digging and it doesn’t get better. procrastination also is ineffective.
– what are the warning signs of a cult? how do you rescue someone from there without force?
– should there be a penalty at work when someone eats your lunch that is clearly labeled?
– setting your out of office email auto response for vacation is a great feeling.
– youtube is now detecting ad blocking software and showing ads anyway. not a fan of the 13.99 per month to remove ads. (I do give money to content creators through their patreon pages or buy me a coffee)
– did “fetch” wind up happening after all?
– how badass olga of kyiv was
– what’s the most ridiculous thing that you could (not should) make a subscription?
– mean girls and les miserables are all the proof you need of amanda seyfried’s range.
– rafe, all your cold that was on backorder got dumped at my place. please come pick it up
– raise your hand if you feel you have been personally victimized by regina george
– if you could create a new department in the government, what would it be and what would it do? bonus points if you have a clever acronym

MOVIE – mean girls (2004) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0377092)
caleb 6.3/10
rafe 7.75/10
SONG – mean girls
bryce fox – horns

NEXT MOVIE – the notebook (2004) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332280)
NEXT SONG – memories

The Australian Invasion

hey have you guys bought the limited’s album? NO? are you INSANE? go buy “the coffin or the suitcase” HERE: https://thelimitedmusic.bandcamp.com/album/the-coffin-or-the-suitcase you won’t regret it! the limited are amazing and we love them. also come enjoy time with rafe and ruku, as they navigate the united states together and delve into the true meaning of valentine’s day. happy valentine’s dayyyyy!

ruku’s high-low
high: MURICA
low: flying

rafe’s high-low
high: ruku in MURICA
low: work

– flowers or chocolate, pick one
– what is a good non-traditional gift to give for valentine’s day? besides flowers, jewelry, and/or candy.
– on a scale of one to ten, how annoyed should I be that a medical emergency last night kept me from having valentine’s day doughnuts and hot chocolate with one of my partners? what about on the sadness axis? (I am fine, for the record, but it was one of those “this is just enough of a problem to merit medical attention and testing” situations.)
– valentines day helps florists and hallmark, I’d rather celebrate the death of captain cook, what other holiday do you refuse to celebrate, or celebrate something else instead
– fuck valentines day?
– fuck on valentine’s day?
– blowing bubbles
– did you have a hs sweetheart? what happened?
– cheese for valentine’s day?

14. is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? why haven’t you done it?
ruku: DONE, DID IT.

MOVIE – mr. holland’s opus (1995) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111359)
ruku 7/10
caleb 6.5/10
rafe 7/10
SONG – high school band/orchestra songs
vivaldi – concerto in a minor
ruku – metallica – enter sandman

NEXT MOVIE – down periscope (1996) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116130)
NEXT SONG – down songs

Nobody’s Talking About Ohio

MORBS AND JORBS. rafe has updates about her teeth and streaming. caleb is distraught over the train in ohio. there’s a return of the low mood but at least alvin ailey and rasiki were fire.

rafe’s high-low
high: filipino ube treats
low: work

caleb’s high-low
high: date night, best indian food
low: garbage disposal

– how lazy can you be in customer service that all you do when a problem is reported, is to copy paste (sometimes adjust a few words so it doesnt look like you just copy pasted) the same error explanation that is found when the thing goes wrong, which is the same located in the help area for said thing going wrong?
– how is it that people still dont contact the place that holds their money and instead insists on contacting the people taking it to find out if they took it yet
– if you were close to blind in just one eye, how much would you drive?
– kansas city chiefs: how much whining should be allowed by a team that wins the super bowl?
– even if it’s windy out, shorts in 60 degree weather is still properly flipping off Winter, aye?
– all job listings should post an accurate account how much the position pays so that job seekers aren’t wasting time applying for a job that doesn’t pay well or doesn’t fit their requirements.
– forgetting your son is in basketball playoffs until the day before the big game and making your office staff scramble to reschedule your whole ass day of patients: great doctor or greatest parent?
– why does the food that is the worst for you have to taste so good?
– should his face be red?
– why does subway, worst of the fast food sandwich chains, sometimes slap?

MOVIE – she’s having a baby (1988) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096094)
caleb 4/10
rafe 4.75/10
SONGS – baby
led zeppelin – I can’t quit you baby

NEXT MOVIE – the great outdoors (1988) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095253)
NEXT SONGS – nature

Your Valentine (feat. DaddyLarp)

how many men can rafe bring on the podcast? today we have daddylarp (yes, DADDY) talking about all things love. after all, this was recorded on valentine’s day. gotta stay topical. rafe still rants a lot about college, papers, and hanging up on people. the end of #75hard mark4. adam has a revelation about getting older and the effort to stay healthy. adam forces a girl to hold his hand. we discover adam and rafe both love romcoms! adam gives some really good advice, both for romance and for self care. they both just started playing lost ark and rafe wants all the people to come play with her! please check out adam’s awesome online stuff like his two podcasts and his twitch stream.

daddylarp’s podcasts:
topic cast
two weebs in a pod
twitch link! https://twitch.tv/daddylarp

rafe’s high-low
high: 75hard mark4
low: doctors amirite

adam’s high-low
high: boss battle
low: aging

– best meal you’ve ever had on v-day or a date in general? cock doesn’t count rafe
– is 50 cent only worth 5 cents because he was hanging upside down?
– roses are red; lightbulbs are lit; it’s fucking monday; I’m not prepared for this hot topic shit
– this day is dumb and I hate it a little more every year. who’s with me?
– what do you do with all of your extra free time when you get sent home because they had to evacuate the street because of a “suspicious” package
– was bingo the dog or the farmer?
– I only gained 6 lbs after 6 weeks of eating sweets and junk food nearly everyday, what’s your best success story involving 2 dozen ice cream sandwiches?
– why is it so hard to find really tiny bottles to use as ink wells? aren’t tiny, barely functional things, like, an aesthetic?
– does anyone REALLY… want to be my valentine?

MOVIE – unstoppable (2010) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0477080)
rafe 7/10
adam 7.5/10
SONGS – stop songs
of montreal – I can’t stop your memory
journey – don’t stop believing

NEXT MOVIE – safe house (2012) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1599348)
NEXT SONGS – safe songs

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